Hello guys,
Here I am again after 3 months not being active at all. I am saying now the same i always do, but i was that busy that couldn't find time for blog. I couldn't even enjoy my shower because I had to hurry to be able to finish my homework. It was a crazy semester, i had many works, assignments, quizzes. Many times I felt like dying haha. I felt asleep with my books and woke up with that too.... I recall and i dont even know how could I keep up with that pace. Well, I am super good with time management and it helped me a lot. I took five classes plus working three jobs: one weekdays nanny, one weekend nanny, and the third one is my internship. Also, I can stay I am still part time worker here where I live, because i take care of the dogs plus cleaning the house, laundry and so on. The list goes on and on, I didnt have a full day off, but you know i wanted to work that much, nobody forced me to do so..... I just wanted to get better financially since I bought a car in December....
I was on my way to work one morning when I couldn't stop looking at these clouds....
I found it funny :)
Weekdays nanny job....
Weekends nanny job....
Learning about Hungary and Romania in college...
Sunset in my neighborhood :)
Gym... It was one of my favorite please to go, however in the last few months I could barely had time to show up there. I truly missed this place.
Can you guess where am I from? ;)
Herbalife... I still have a shake time to time; however not that intensively like last year. I feel I would need to go regularly to gym if I want more results.... I personally think gym and shake work well together, but not that much seperately....
We had many crazy snowing days... It means no school for a few days. This year weather in Texas was crazy. Snow in February and Flood in May.
You can't copy anything from online because when you upload it through safe assign to ecampus it is gonna show from where You copied the sentences.... College students be careful with that!
Eymard's roomate has two cats; one of them always climbs up to the kitchen furniture... Was so funny for me that I had to take a picture.
I was so scared to drive on those roads...
Being grateful for working with wonderful kids! I can't even compare them to my previous kids.... I am definitely looks to be their nanny!
Sahil fall asleep. They were so cute.
During spring semester it happened that I couldn't meet up with the girls for three weeks... We had to FaceTime lol. Busy life.
Our backyard looked like this for days... I hate snow in Texas. One of the reason because everything get cancelled/closed... Life stops...
Volunteering at some Exhibition. We were the application coaches ;)
Acting like who never holded baby ducks. We were raising them back home - just to mention :)
Kurtooo. It was so good. I need to go there more often. Now looking at this pic I am carving for one so much!
Mircea is a Romanian guy who makes these Transylvanian pastries in Dallas. He supported our TEEM Scholarship Launcheon with some gift certificates.
We went to see La Mirada performance at Collin College.
The crew
After the play we went to a hookah bar close to my house. They opened it a few months ago. I love the food and ambiance over there.
On a cold snowy day I am studying in front of the fireplace...
One of the IREM Luncheon. I am at the registration for an hour than I can join for lunch and listen the presentation. It was fun to meet with some proffesionals. Through IREM I made some great contacts!
My favorite bridge in Dallas.
At IREM office. I guess I was organizing/alphabetizing the badges...
I got a Tshirt for Eymard for St. Patrick day.
Viki and I decided to take take a break from school... I drove to uptown to spend the night with her. We went to a club but after an hour we were done. I am definitely not a clubbing girl anymore. I wonder how could I go to those places every weekend last year. Time to time it is fun but I don't need it that often anymore.
Site inspection at a local country resort with my classmates and teachers/mentors . We were getting ready for our 2015 Scholarship Luncheon and Silent Auction.
St. Patrick Day with Eymard. It was super cold. I remember I was freezing. There is something wrong with the weather in this year in Texas.
Dinner with Eymard at his favorite Brazilian Restaurant. His favorite waiter over there is a Romanian guy. We got to chat for a while. He was one of those furtune people who won the green card lottery. I wish that lick would found me as well.
Study session at home...
Fun afternoon with friends in the park....
IREM (Institute of Real Estate Management) got a membership for me to DFWAE (Dallas Fort Worth Association Executives)
First drinking wine than doing some exercises... Haha
My new hair stylist.
I got a desk from my weekend family. Sara and her boyfriend came to pick it up and store it until we move. We had to take a picture with our very first furniture.
An other afternoon with Keri in the park.
I am still running time to time, however not that much how I used to.
Playing with the kids.
Fun night at the kids
My host dad bought some palm trees.
My furtune cookie :)
Viki is sleeping over at "my place" :)
You already should know that I am in love with Texas sunrise and sunset... <3
On April 1 st we made fun of Chadi. He pays too much attention about what other people think of him :) All our friends started to post to his wall something like congratulation to your new job at Walmart... you should see the whole list I was cracking up by myself while reading all those comments.... Maybe it helped me that I imagined his face and reaction.... Okay okay I am not that bad friend just found it so funny...
Gathering with the girls at their school to check out Sara's art...
I got a copy of them.
Hanging out with Sarita
Crafting.... We transferred the picture to the wood.... i love this tactic...
A day before Easter at the lake with one of my favorite family in the United States....
I made this crown for Lama's niece, Natalie....
Lama, Firas and I
The girls...
Jumping :)
Sleep over at Viki's I love her pajamas. She lives in uptown, literally 2 minutes walking distance from the busy night life street full with clubs and bars. I slept over but we didn't go out at all just taking Grizzly for a walk. We were lauging that we look like homeless people walking on the street with that dog while everybody is dressed up with high heels passing us.... Wonder what happened with us not feeling to party recently.....
Eymard's nephew on Easter Sunday morning..
Breakfast time with Eymard's family...
I went to pick up the donation from Garland CVB, they were super sweet, asked me if they can take a picture of me and the donation basket.
We started to play basketball with my friends this year... I enjoy a lot. I am pretty bad in scoring, however i am pretty good in defense :) Sometime we went to the park and played against kids or adults, whoever we found at the basketball court.... Even the boys were always tired of my defense haha
Enjoyin summer cloths in March :)
I am never alone.... these guys don't leave me for a moment....
Celebrating Vidyia's good grades at a Frozen Yogurt Place....
My host family was hosting a party, i had to go over to look for the kids and they didnt have time to make the salami and cheese tray... they asked me if i would willing to do it why they get dressed... I had 45 min to put this together.....It wasn't that great but if i consider the time i had for this it is not that bed..... I wish i could google some design and take my time and make it look awesome.....
Happy for my new book after a DFWAE Association Day.... My boss where I do my intern involves me in many great events that i love to attend... i just both one of the speaker's book because she was so awesome that wanted to read from her....
Evie... she is the little girl where I work at the weekends. Her father has a cancer now, that's why they really need my help. But the good news is that he will get well very soon. All his treatments almost done... Can't wait to see him happy again. It wasn't easy for me to go through this with them. Many times i so didn't want to work 8-10 hours Saturdays and the same many hours on Sundays but I did because I knew they need my help. I was so exhausted with all the school stuff that I wished to stay home and just study but I just couldn't say "no... I don't go..." Nowadays, he is feeling better so i try to stay 6-8 hours a time, but before i even did 12 hours some days... It was kinda hard with this little girl and her brother because they never had a nanny and they are super attached to their father, they want to do everything with him and they couldn't understand that he needs to take nap or he needs a rest.... recently I see they are better with me and it is awesome to see all those improvements with these weekend kiddos. :)
Whenever I start to draw something, I end up with a heart. I think I should be a heart painter/artist? :P
I got two scholarships for the next academic year, which is $ 3000. It is a big help, but I still have to pay some. I was very determined a few months ago that i dont want to pay anymore for college, I mean i wanted to get some help through scholarships. I got it but I still trying to get some other. So fingers crossed for me. :) Even tho I had a very hard semester with hard classes I got A from everything. It is very important for me. I almost got B from Math, but at the end i could close with A. I also got a Student Success Award but it wasn't for my grades.... It was for all my work in the TEMM Club. This is a club for my major at the college. I helped to organize some events. I got donations alone for almost $ 4000. We had a Luncheon where we had an auction. That's how we generate money for the club, for scholarships and different industry related events.
Three students of my major were invited to this Student Success Awards Banquet. i was so happy that I could be among them...
M.T. (middle) is the coordinator of the program/TEMM Clu., i had some classes with her and I love her. She helps me a lot. She is an awesome mentor and teacher. She wants me to be the chair of the club next year haha.... I think it would be too much responsibility... I tried to tell her and other teacher that I am not ready for that and my English is not good enough for taking a position like that... they were laughing that it is not a good excuse :) Anyway, I have time to think about it... I may take this position with an other girl and be a Co-Chair....
I was proud for all my accomplishments this past semester....
Having fun with the girl at Mud Run.... We are the international mudders....
We were so dirty... wish i could take picture on the track..... but i was afraid i gonna screw my phone in that mud. We had to crawl in the mud too...
I remember that day was super hot, we all got sunburned...
...and we smelled so bad hahah...
I was thinking about Hungarian flag or Transylvanian.... Well the Hungarian one was a lot easier... Everybody asked me if I am from Italy...:P
After Mud Run clean and happy :)
We deserve a drink :D
A bad news.. during the mud run a piece of plastic went to my eyes.... don't ask me how... I have no idea... I was struggling for five days, even crying.... I had miserable days.... Couldn't open my eyes, even in the house I had sunglasses.... After 5 days being in that conditions I went to an eye-doctor, they took it out.... I had to get an antibiotic drop, This little incident costed me $300. For a moment I became upset, but after i quickly realized that no need to be upset, the most important that i will be healthy again in few days... and if i have good health i can earn that money back soon..... so at the end i was happy that i didn't need surgery or something similar.... Always find the good in every bad situation and you will feel better after that :)
Getting ready for finals.... I was struggling a lot with my accounting and math classes... But i made it :)
The weekdays family was super nice... I got off on my birthday but we celebrated it together the day before.. they got cake fore me plus a present. It was a cute necklace.
I love them a lot.
I love the birthday card she made for me.
On my birthday I had to go to school and after that I met up with Max. He works very close to my school and it is so convenient to get together for a coffee... You may remember him from last February... At that time we were dating but now we are definitely just friends. He always wants to help me. I never accept but it is nice to see that how much he cares about me :) He is a good guy but he stays in the friend's zone....
Till last year every time on my birthday I bough some clothes for me as a birthday treatment from myself to myself..... In these year I wanted books... :) So, i ended up with some. I really enjoy reading in English... Dot mistake me, i love to read in Hungarian as well, but now I need to improve my English and reading a book I believe is the best way to do it....
Birthday celebration is still on... it was on the third day...Eymard took me to Pappas Bros. It is a fancy restaurant. He works there as a pianist. I have never dated with a musician, i thought they are so different than I am.... but he is not like all the others musicians.... :) Seriously he is super good and talented. I know because everybody says that haha not because i can make difference between good and bad pianist. Haha. I wish i could appreciate more his music... I mean i do appreciate but for me it is the same if he would play bad or good. iI referred him to a school event, where all my teachers, mentors were there. In the beginning I was worried what about if he will be very bad and all my teachers knew I refereed him....but at the end of the event all of them came to me and told me how awesome was his music and they want him next year too :) Even my classmates asked me to take them to that restaurant to listen to him. But what i wanted to say is that he is not a typical musicians. He never plays music at home, unless it work related and he gets money from it (like making somebody's cd, some records or so on) haha. He never need to practice..... He plays piano since age 5... U never see him listening to music, not even in the car while driving. And he doesn't go to bar/club at all where the music is loud....
The day after, guess it wa sthe fourt day i was still celebrating my birthday but at this time with the girls.... we took a walk in uptown, than stayed in Hilton Anatole Hotel in downtown....
This top roof is in Viki's apartment complex. I love that view.... wish i would live there... well one day pretty soon I will :) (I am just being positive :P)
She is so cute with her dog... she takes such a good care of him.
My birthday present... Viki "baked" it for me :) It was a very unique present... I loved it!
Dinner. We are always laughing about that I get something light and a healthier version and she is having burgers and fries :)
We are ready for Lana Del Ray concert....
... we were so excited... until they announced, after 3 hours that the concert got canceled due to severe weather in DFW area. We didn't have rain till 4 am so i don;t see why she couldn't come. If she starts at 7 pm how she supposed to could be done by 10 pm.... Anyway, we were so disappointed...
It was time for us to sing "Summertime sadness"....
About boys....since I used to talk about them haha.... I am still dating with Eymard, the Brazilian guy. I don't know what brings the future. I don't know yet if it will work out or not but I want to give us a chance. Why i had my school i couldn't see him that often, because i was always busy.... In April I had a period when I was still thinking of Sasha, and i was kinda living in the past...... I felt like I don't want to be with anyone and i can never ever love anyone again.... I even broke up with Eymard, but we still were in contact and talking every day. Than one day I told him about Sasha, that i feel that i am still thinking a lot about my past and couldn't get over him completely. We had a conversation that night in Olive Garden.... we were talking like for three hours... I was crying a lot... After that conversation I felt way better. Somehow it helped me to open my eyes. I started to look things differently... Also i was happy that i told him.... To see his reaction and willingness to help me impressed me a lot. Now I try to see him more often, hang out more together....so we can have a chance to know each other better. I kinda felt jealous the other day haha (He didn't do anything), but I was so happy that i had that feeling, because it seems i care more about him now how i used to. Feeling jealous should be a celebration for me. I even think now that i would be able to fall in love again, and it kinda scares me lol...... Anyway, i go with the flow now, try to live in the moment... and with time we find out what is the best for: us together or not together.....
Getting ready for final..... I am so so happy that my classes are over, however I will take one or two this summer. It depends if I would be able to continue my intern or not. I will figure out next week, than decide what to do...
Vidya looks such a big girl here.
Sahil enjoys riding with me. He loves to sit in my car. I dont drive him that often. Probably once a week....
This few pictures are in front of IREM office where i do the inter. The other day the whole building got free lunch.... They do it every year once....
Happy to be back to gym... However now I am not that much determined about it than before. Probably because i dont have that much free time than i had last year...
I am already looking for decorations and furniture... Oh i think i didnt mention yet that I am moving together with my friends from middle of August. Can't wait to have our own place. I feel it is really time after living that many years with families. I just got tired of it and decided to make an other step. Even tho I know I will have more expenses....
vidyia heard that I told to her mom that I got an A from math instead of B... Till the very last day it seemed my final grade will be B..... so she made me a card. She was super sweet!
Saturday morning breakfast with Viki in uptown. After that we were heading to a seminar. Matthew Hussey was the speaker. He is the writer of "Get a guy". He is a love, relationship specialist.... We enjoyed listening to him. Such a great guy.
We are excited about Matthew...
We match :)
We got a pocket Hussey...
On Lama's graduation ceremony at SMU. She got a master from engineering.
Being silly :P I wish if it would be mine tho...
She is Firas sister in case you got lost. :) I love their family. They are super nice people. They always invite me for dinner and so on... Every single time i go there for dinner they even pack me food in boxes haha
Natalie is Firas's niece. She thinks I am their cousin. The other day Firas texted me that she went and told to her family that "I have curly hair like our cousin Dalma"
Chadi is being silly...
I am a kebab lover <3
Friends gathering at Firas place after Lama's graduation...
Interesting sunset....
Just being cocky one more time with my grades :P I want to mention that all those stress I experienced the last few month leaded me to loose a few kilos.... In the beginning of the semester i was very stressful, sleeping so little, being tired all the time. I had days when i started to cry and just couldn't stop crying. Then I decided that it doesn't worth being stressful, so tried to go with the flow and not worry that much. My situation in the house made me stressed too, because i was in charge for the dogs, and something was always going on. I am very limited with my time while living at his house because i cant work for 8-10 hours continuously. If he is not home i cant leave the house more than 5-6 hours and so on. Which is fine because that's while i can live here for free however it can be really tiring to have those boundaries especially when you have school and two other jobs. My other employees are so cool and helpful; they always work with my schedule.
Today I am going to Toronto, Canada for Laith's wedding. While I was in school I didn't have time to concentrate on this trip, so I got excited now about it. We are coming back on Sunday evening. However instead of flying to Toronto we are flying to Detroit, rent a car and drive to Toronto from there. In this way we could save some money. I am actually doing this trip with four guys, but I know them since I am here in America so I am feeling comfortable around them. It is just the very first time for me to travel somewhere with boys, especially when none of them is my boyfriend haha. This Canada trip is going to be my only vacation this summer so i need to enjoy it to the fullest. I cant afford an other vacation this summer because i am moving out and it comes with many expenses especially in the first two months when we have to buy everything from a plate to vacuum cleaner, coffee maker, washer/dryer, bed, nightstand, desk, table, chair and so on. The list goes on and on.... So i was making fun that i will take a vacation with a Pina Colada by our future apartment complex's pool while tanning :) It is not that bad. :P Something is for something. I know I want to do this and if the price for it to not be able to take more vacations than i won't. Fortunately I had many opportunities to travel in the past few years and i know i will have many more in the near future. :)

We started to look for apartments but we have a hard time with that. I couldn't imagine it can be that hard. If we would look for two bedrooms would be way easier. Also we want to find something with three bathrooms which is super hard because usually three bedrooms comes with two bathrooms. Sometimes the location is not good, sometimes the distribution of the apartments... We found some apartments with great prices, good location than we read the reviews and got upset. I hope we will find something by end of June or middle of July. We found a cool place and we almost took that but we would need to move in by 1st of July which is too early for all of us... Anyway, I believe soon we will find the perfect one. :)

Recently, I am trying to find some solutions how I can stay here if I wouldn't continue studying. The navy thing came to my mind and I did some research about it. It is not fully clear everything however if they would help me whit my papers I would definitely consider to join. I know it is not that easy how I write about it now but it shouldn't be impossible. I will have work permit for a year from next summer and if I want to join I need to do it in that specific year because you need to have work permit before joining. Even Ho if it is just for a year.
Anyway, it may be an option... I need to do some more research about it but I definitely keep it in mind.

Recently we go more often to the park for exercise instead of gym. Keri is my workout body. She is American. I love her. We became such a good friends in the past year. I will miss her after I move. I so use to text her in last minute and get together. She lives less than ten minutes from me. So I can finally say I have an American friend. Haha :)

Gym "party". We used to go to gym a lot all together. I miss those days. I just always had so much with these guys in the gym...
These sweet kids always make my day. This is the calander where I always write my working hours....

The other day I went to one of my a favorite store to get a shirt for me. I already knew what I want. I got two for my sisters as a gift when I went home In January. I remember I wanted to get one to myself even at that time. So I just texted them if they like their shirts because I got the same for myself just in an other color. Hermina sent me a picture wearing it, than I sent a picture to them too. Than my other sister, Erika did the same. She was trying to imitate me and pose like me haha.

I love my sisters so much. We have such a great relationship. We talk every single day through viber. Actually it is more texting but we do it a lot. We have a group message with my family and every day someone says something there. I love to keep track and know what they are doing even if I am here. It makes to feel that I am not that far away. #familylove
Through Next Door application I found a dog sitting job. It was 5 minutes away from home so it was very convenient. He payed for it really well and I almost didn't have to do anything.
Volunteering at Special Olympics. This volunteering was so recording. Seeing all those children with disabilities made me to be more grateful for my life. We can walk, we can see, we can hear, we are able to work...
I was the pointer while the eye doctor examined their eyes...
I was babysitting Yvett. I took her to grab some dinner.
My lovely family sent me a little surprise from Hungary/Transylvania.
Selfie stick in Transylvania ;)
I was making an other wood picture craft for Eymard.
In the Dallas Art Museum with Eymard. I was trying to kiss the frog hoping that he will change his appearance.
This picture was reminding me to Transylvania.
Looking for a bed to my new room :P it may not fit tho.
I was obsessed with the vases while Eymard was obsessed with the sculptures. How different we are :)
I love this picture of us.
I am living in Dallas for almost three years and I have never been in the art museum.

I was working on this post for two weeks... finally i could put some information together so now you could have an idea what happened with me in the last few months....
I even felt bad that I promised I post this on Sunday and today is already Wednesday night...
I will try to be back to my blog as soon as my time allow me!
Have a great rest of a week my lovely readers! <3
Szia Dalma! Kicsit örülök, hogy nem éppen az utolsó szigorlatom előtt tetted fel a bejegyzést, hanem kicsit később...nem bírtam volna megállni, hogy ne olvassam el. :-) Most is próbáltam "beosztani", de nem jött össze. :D Nagyon jó volt hallani felőled! Szuper vagy az időd koordinálásában, én is úgy látom. :-) Gratulálok az eredményeidhez és hogy összeköltöztök hamarosan a barátaiddal. Teljesen megértelek, hogy jó lesz host family-k nélkül otthon lenni. Eymard nekem nagyon szimpatikus, úgy tűnik, hogy megért Téged és oda figyel Rád. Szurkolok neki, bár nekünk a legfontosabb, hogy Te jól érezd magad. Vidyia annyira édes, kedves gyerek, imádom az ilyen gyerekeket....:) Sok puszit küldök és szép nyarat kívánok Neked!!!
VálaszTörlésLili nagyon szepen koszonok minden kedves szot, batoritast... Nagyon kell nekem ez a neha neha ramiras hogy me hagyjam a blogot :) nem igazan vagyok megelegedvel a bejegyzesemmel, siettem, sok mindent kihagytam de hat igy jarok ha 4 honapon keresztul nem irok. Csodas nyarat neked is! Xoxo
Törlésjo volt olvasni rolad. azt a fara valo kep nyomtatast hogy kell csinalni?
VálaszTörlésAnna (Grove)
Anna irok egy bejegyzest rola minel hamarabb mivel sokan erdeklodtek utanna.
Törlésnice work, and good story