2014. november 7., péntek

Christmas Present - Feeling Amused :)

Hey everyone, 

If I have a reader among you guys, who is wealthy, have a generous heart, or just won the lottery and want to give me a Christmas present, I would appreciate it so much. Haha. :)

So, since I am in a good mood and feeling amused I am going to give you a hand in case.... you never know. :) :) 

Christmas Present Ideas: 

Number 1 is a new laptop. I don't care what brand or color it is. It is your choice. (My laptop is in a bad shape, and it is barely working now. At time, it likes to drive me crazy.)

Number 2 is an Iphone 5. It can be Iphone 6 as well. :P Don't worry too much, I would be grateful for the 5 too. Again, color is up to you. :) I give you the chance to chose me one. :) (I have an Iphone 4 which is not even S, so the camera is super bad. You know how much I love to take pictures, so this present would be so useful to me. Even you guys can benefit from it. You can enjoy the beautiful  and good quality photos I take.)

Number 3 is a bicycle. Its brand, color and size doesn't matter. I just want two wheels. (I love riding a bike.) 

Number 4 is a post card. :) So, you can see now that I am not ambitious, and I would appreciate so much a card as well. :P

Oh, I almost forgot to give you my address. Well, that wouldn't be the best thing to forget. :P Who knows, you will buy it and when you go to post office or FedEx you realize that you don't know my address. :D

So, here it is:

Dalma Molnar
1150 Stone Creek Drive
Fairview, Texas, USA

Thank you! 

10 megjegyzés:

  1. Szerintem ez viccnek is rossz, de te tudod.

    1. http://www.myamericandreambydalma.blogspot.com/2013/12/i-wish-you-merry-christmas.html

      Ebben a bejegyzesben irtam a Jezuskanak koldott levelemrol. Az iden is elkeszult az a bizonyos lista, ami a szobam falara van kituzve, hogy minden nap lathassam.

      Ezzel a bejegyzessel meg csak szorakoztam. Mokas kedvemben voltam. Elfogadom a velemenyed, es koszonom is, hogy ezt megosztottad velem.....

  2. Szerintem ez olyan Dalmas vicc....nekem tetszik :-)

    1. Orulok, hogy van olvaso akinek a humorerzeke hasonlo az enyemhez :) Koszonom!

  3. After all this misunderstanding, I want to clarify that I was just joking around. :) I was feeling amused and it was funny for me. Everybody is different, and everyone has their own opinion about things. Nothing is wrong with that. I appreciate your comments, thank you for sharing it... even tho I had to realize that my sense of humor differ a lot from my readers.

  4. En jot szorakoztam ezen :)))))) es igenis jol teszed ha le is irod a kivansagaidat, (mar volt szo rola ,az ember a sajat blogjaba azt ir amit akar)...mert ugye soha sem tudni :) mindenki valaszthat is kedvere meg lehetösegeihez kepest a listan szereplök közül melyik lenne a megfelelö figyelmesseg.......
    Sok puszi es igazan irhatnal sürübben/=nagyon örülnek ha sikerülne többször irnod / :)

  5. Egyebkent meg egeszen szereny voltal mert nincs is kifejezett ohajod milyen szinü legyen a par dolog ami a lista elejen all :))))))))

    1. Koszonom Hedi a mindig pozitiv hozzaszolasaidat!!!! :) Irok igerem ket het mulva uj bejegyzeseket. Akkor vege a semesternek.

      Addig is csodas Decemberi napokat.


