2014. március 10., hétfő

Having fun with friends

Hello mindenki!

Eloszor is azzal kezdenem, hogy sajnalom ha olvasokat veszitek azert mert angolul is kezdtem irni. Valahogy ez most igy esik jol, ossze-vissza :) I feel it reveals my crazy personality. :) A masik meg tenyleg szuksegem van az iras gyakorlasara, igy ez pont jol jon nekem. Amikor elkezdtem blogot irni, akkor nem is gondoltam arra, hogy ennyi embert erdekelne az itteni eletem... Amerika egy gyerekkori almom volt. Amikor meg ugy dontottem, hogy neki kezdek a papirok intezesenek akkor azt is elhataroztam, hogy megorokitem az Amerikai napjaim egy blog altal. 100 % os vagyok benne, hogy otthon vagy Europaban sohasem kezdem volna blogot irni... Au-pairkedesem elott szerintem azt sem tudtam, hogy mi az, hogy blog. :) Meg mindig elenken emlekszem amikor mondtam a novereimnek tizen akarhany evesen, hogy egyszer majd gazdag leszek es Amerikaban fogok elni. Ok meg jonnek hozzam Los Angelesbe a tengerparti nyaralomba vakaciozni. :) :) Persze ok akkor mosolyagtak rajtam. Emlegettek is egy parszor, hogy igyekezzek, mert szeretnenek jonni hozzam... :D Nos, hat ez a gyerekori alom nem valt teljesen valora... haha.... de Amerikaba viszont sikerult eljutni :) Sot meg a noveremet Los Angelesbe is sikerult elvinni. :) Igaz nem a sajat kis tengerparti lakasomba, de kezdesnek a motel is megtette :D :D :P Nah de vissza tervel a temahoz, ugy erzem, hogy ugy irok, ahogyan en szeretnek es ahogyan nekem jon..... En tiszteletben tartom a velemenyeteket, de ha zavar titeket ez az egesz ossze-visszasag, akkor hagyjatok abba a blog olvasasat.... en nem tudok mast tanacsolni. :) A negativ megjegyzesek ellenere, orommel lattam hogy azert pozitiv hozzaszolasok is erkeztek. :) Koszonet erte! <3 Nehany baratom orult is neki, mert igy az angol tudasukat fejleszthetik.... aki meg nem beszel angolul, azt meg szeretnem biztatni, hogy igenis kezdjen neki az angol tanulasanak, mert ez egy kincs..... a ti jovotoket segiti elo.... :) Roviden errol ennyit!!!! <3 <3 <3

Vasarnap ejszaka ertek haza a szulok. Alig vartam. Csak hetfon reggel talalkoztam veluk. Amiutan a sulibol hazajottem beszeltem Amandaval arrol, hogy nem gond ha kell dolgoznom hetvegen, ccsak tudni szeretnem a tervet, mert ez igy nem volt jo, hogy Alex oranket valtoztatott a dolgokon. Teljesen megertett. Elmondtam neki, hogy Penteken Alex delben irt smst, hogy vegyem fel a sulibol, mert hasmenese van. Azt hittem, hogy Amanda tudott rola.... de nem tudodd. Mivvel en is suliba voltam, nem tudtam egybol erte menni. De biztos voltam benne, hogy csak kitalalta vagy eppenseggel tuloz. Ugy erzem, hogy amikor a szulok nincsenek itthon, ugy gondolja, hogy mindent szabad. Rohanhattam volna egybol erte... de nem akartam..... dolgaim voltak a konyvtarba, meg amugy is 3:20 ig szabad kellett volna legyek. vegul 2 kor velvettem. Persze, hogy nem haza jottunk egybol, mert kitalalta, hogy szuksege van par dologra a CVS bol. Igy eloszor oda kelett mennem. Nem is latszott semmi rajta. Szerdan, csutortokon es penteken a busszal kellett volna hazajojjon, de valamit kitalalt, hogy nem tud jonni a busszal es menjek erte. Igy szerdan es csutortokon is felvettem. Ekkor nem jott el hamarabb csak valami okbol kifolyolag nem akart buszozni. A vegen bajba keveredett a kiscsaj, igy nem akartam ezt is megemliteni Amandanak. A penteki suli miatt nagyon kivoltak akadva. Ram nem haragadtak, hogy felvettem. Alexra pedig annal inkabb, mivel jol tudja, hogy nem hianyozhat a sulibol.... az utobbi hetekben parszor ezt eljatszotta.... vegul meg azt mondtak Amandaek hacsak nincs nagy laza, nem johet tobbett haza..... Warren eleg kemeny hozza. De muszaj, hisz Amanda nem nagyon tudjja kontrolalni ot. Warren elmagyarazta neki, hogy en nem dolgozok 24 oraban, hogy akar mikor a rendelkezesere alljak ezert kell tartania magat a tervhez. Remelem legkozelebb amikor velem lesznek valamivel jobb lessz :) Lehet en is tul stresszes voltam, hisz meg nem voltam 5 napot magamra csak veluk.... nagyobb felelosseg volt ez az egesz igy.... Amanda meg Warren mind kerte az elnezest tollem. Nekem meg semmi bajom nem volt, csak azt akartam, hogy ha Alex tervet valtoztat akkor legalabb idejeben szoljon ne az utolso pillanatban, mert az nagyon frusztralo ha mar felvagy oltozve, keszulsz a barataiddal talalkozni, amikor jon egy uzenet tolle, hogy "Pick me up", persze sohasem mondja, hogy Thank you vagy Please. Ez nagyon idegesit. Rydert probalom tanitgatni, de Alexet nem tudom, hogy vezzessem ra ezek a szavak hasznalatara. Nem csak nekem nem mondja, hanem senkinek..... Velem meg legalabb szepen beszel.... de Amandaval mindig hiszti van... Edes volt Amanda, odajott hozzam es megkerdezte hogy ugya nem akarom itthagyni oket... :)

Last week I wanted to take a picture with the number of 100,000 pageviews, but I couldn't catch it... However, I was close :)  

Wednesday was my classmate's birthday, so we celebrated it a bit.... :)

Playing with Play-Doh

This is how the traffic looks like in the morning.... That's why I am getting crazy in the car.... :) 

On my fisrt school day, the teacher told us, "Good students listen NPR instead of music." It was an effective sentence to me. Since that day, I put music on radio just at weekends or if I am with the kids.... At least, now I know what's going on in the world... :)

My sister just sent these new pictures of my little nephew, I really miss him. Isn't he cute, is he?

I was off the whole weekend  because I worked more last weekend. I was happy for that. Gulnaz invited me to stay over at their place for the weekend, so I decided I will stay there just for Friday night, because I supposed to meet with Max Saturday. I packed some stuff and took it with me Friday morning when I left to school. I did not plan to come home before Sunday afternoon. My class was over at noon, but I could go to Gulnaz place just at 6 pm when she got home from work. I decided to go to the library and do my homework and study. I stayed there till 4:30 pm, so I could catch up with myself. After library I had to run to some store and finally I was at Gulnaz's and Fadi's place by 6:30 pm. Gulnaz plan was to stay at Fadi's place for a few days, weeks till she can settle down. However, they ended up being roomates. :) Wich is working out well for them. They were friends, so they knew each other well. Friday night we were thinking to stay at home or go out. Finally, we decided to go out because Saturday night I cannot be with them, and we haven't gone out together since I am back. We just went to a simple bar, but we had a lots of fun. Firas joined to us too. I don't like to mix drinks, and I don't really do it.... but this night I mixed everything. I started with vine than vodka-cranberry, beer, tequila and so on.....  I am not a big drinker, and I can't even remember when I got drunk last time...... I think it was almost a year ago.... But somehow, this night I just felt I want to get drunk.... :) I really don't do it often, but it is okay once in a while..... and the ''while'' in my case means maximum 1-3 times per year. We had a lot of fun. I was okay till we went home. When I reached the bed I started to feel dizzy. I ended up in the bathroom. I was so so sick.  I don't need to explain more because I am pretty sure all of you know that terrible feeling. :) OMG, I just remember how drunk Firas was too. I can't even imagine how he got home. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. 

Saturday morning, I woke up at 7 am. I could not sleep more. I felt sick and I wanted to fall back to sleep, but I couldn't. My body adjusted to wake up at 6 am. I did not want to wake Gulnaz up, so I went to the living room. I made a coffe and I started to do some homework. This was the first Saturday morning since I am back, that I could not enjoy studing with my morning coffee in bed. I love weekend mornings, especially since I became an early riser. :) But this morning was not that enjoyable. At noon, I decided I will not go to see Max.... I did not have any mood for going out again and all those stuff..... I just wanted to stay with my lovely friends. Actually, Gulnaz and Fadi were happy for this decision....

It was very hot Saturday, around 80 Fahrenheit, which is around 27 Celsius. It was the perfect day to be outside. We decided to go to the Irish festival in downtown Dallas. 

Can you recognize the city? :) Well, if you ever have seen the Dallas serial.... I am pretty sure you can... :) 

When I see this reunioin tower reminds me to the good times with him..... :( I would like to go up there again for a dinner :) 

Irish festival

We are waiting in line for tasting the different kind of wiskies.... actually I could not taste any of them, I could not even stand the smell of it..... Well, if i had not drunk alcohol the night before I would have tasted it at least.... :P

I was super tired all day long.... You can see on my pictures I had hangover... :)


Having fun :D

I love her.... I am so happy I have such a good friends here!

We just went home straight from the festival. The guys were thinking to go out somewhere to eat. I did not have any energy for anything. So, we just made some dinner at home and put a movie on.... After 20 minutes I passed out on the couch.... I remember I woke up at 11 p.m and looking around where I am.... The guys were eating cake at that time... lol..... Gulnaz asked me to go to the bedroom to sleep... somehow I reached the bed... and at this time I did not wake up till 8:30 a.m in the morning. It is a miracle. :) Even at this time I was the first person who woke up. It was so cold outside. If u live in Dallas it is not a suprise; especially in winter time. One day it is +28 Celcius and on the other day it is -6. Exactly this happend Saturday and Sunday here in Dallas. Isn't it crazy?

Fadi lit a fire in the fireplace. 

Having breakfast... actually Fadi prepared it for us.. :) 

I really enjoyed to sit close to the fire and continue studing... I could sit there all day long.... I did not even want to change my "pyjamas." This fireplace reminds me to my home in Transylvania....

I supposed to pick Alex up, but since the weather was crazy I did not need to. My host mom texted me that they will go get her because the roads are slippery and they don't want me to drive extra. Also, they warmed me to be very very careful. Frankly, I was afraid to drive in this weather. There are always a lot of accidents in this weather conditions. People don t know how to drive in rain or snow. I drove very careful, and it took me 40 minutes drive to get home instead of 25. :) 

I stayed in Fadi's car till mine got warm :)

Snow totally covered the roads by end of the day; especially in my neighborhood. The kids did not have school at all on Monday due to snow. Obviously, they were happy for that. I had school, but it started from 11 instead of 8. Actually everybody was suprised my school opened at 11 because all the other school were close for the whole day. 

Exactly the weather Saturday and Sunday looked liked this :)

Azert az durva, hogy szombaton +28 fok van es vasarnap -6.... ez Texas :)

Wednesday everybody had to bring some food or sweets to school. We had a little celebration together because it was Jeff's (Teacher) last day with us. 

He is Jeff, our teacher, on the right...

We had some arab, indian, asian food as well.... Some people cooked; the lazy ones including myself just bought some snacks ... :) OMG, I was eating a lot. Also, I had a lot of snack. I ate as many sweets in an hour as I usually eat during a week.... It is not a suprise if I say I regreted it so much after that :) Even my teacher made fun of me that I bring apple, banana or carrots to school every day.... trying to eat healthy... but now i am eating cookies, chips, donads and all those junk food... :) Usually from Monday till Friday I try to be  very careful what I eat, but at weekends I go crazy... lol 

The whole class :) Middle East, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Africa, Asia, Middle East, India.... and Transylvania :) :) :) LOL


Thursday I had my Reading and Grammar final exams. I was not good at all. I was dissapointed in myself. I made this exams in my teacher office. The rest of the class will make it after spring break, when I am on vacation. I feel I did not pass these exams. I did very bad. I was sick that day and I could not concentrate. But my teacher tried to calm me down, saying even if i get a very bad grade on my final exam, I will pass because most of my grades are As or at least over 90%. There are just a few Bs. I hope I will pass this level because I really want to move forward and get to college level. If everything goes well, it will starts in two weeks. I have to wait 1,5 week till i will find out if I passed this level or not.... 

Friday I had the writing exam. It was not that bad but I feel I could do it better if I would not have that terrible head ache again. I felt sick. I had sore throat. Even my classmates asked me if I am okay.... I just did not feel good... Anyway, after the exam I went to see Max for a coffee. I wanted to talk with him about us.... I had to tell him that I want to stay just friend with him. I was afraid that he is going to be mad at me.... Also, I was nervous.... but I think it is normal if u want to say such a thing to somebody. :)  He was such a gentlemen. He did not even think I will come up with this idea, but he respected my decision.  I was so happy to see that his reaction. So, we decided to stay friends, (actually I decided)....... and see each other time by time.... I really want to stay in contact with him. It was so nice to see him again after two weeks. He was wearing a nice suit again. I love his suits. Also, I missed him.... but just as a friend and not as a partner. After Sasha, he was the first guy with who I tried to date.... but I just came to the point that I need more time.... 6 months passed but I am still not ready to get somebody that close to me. It is funny because i wasn t like that before Sasha.... That experience changed my all personality..... my all life. Anyway, I had fun with Max; I like him, but I dont have feelings for him....  in meantime he was introducing me as his girlfriend to everyone....and I saw he took it so seriously.... already talking about our future....(To mention it he just bought a house 2 weeks ago and he considered this house as our house). All in all, i thought it is not fair to him and I needed to tell it as soon as I could...  He wanted me to explain my feelings a bit more... but his business partner and uncle showed up so we could not really talk. I think I did never mention before that this guy is a very rich guy... lol.... but I never payed attention to his money.... I remember at the first 3 times when we met he came with 3 different cars.... :) :) Maybe he wanted to impress me with that, but I did not care :D If I were that type of girl who cares how much money the guy has I would stuck with him.... lol..... but I don t care his money... what I care is LOVE. I feel lonely sometimes, I really wish to say to somebody "I love you" every single night before falling asleep.... I miss that feeling... I want to believe this time will come again.... :) I still have hopes.... :) 

When Ryder got home from school, he showed a little book to Amanda and me in wich his class mates wrote a few sentence about him. One of them wrote that: "There are four members in his family." When Ryder read this sentence out loud.... he stopped for a minute and said... "Well, actually there are five members in my family. They forgot Dalma." When I heard this sentence from his mounth, I became so sensitive. I just went to him and gave him a big hug, saying Thank You. It meant a lot to me. :) It made my day.

Friday night the parents went out. It was the birthday of Warren's son. I stayed with the kids. Alex did not come home from school. She went straight to her friend's house for overnight. Ethan stayed here. He is a very cute boy. I like him too. It was funny because Amanda asked me if it is okay with me if Warren's son gonna bring Ethan to stay with us. She offered to pay more. I was embarassed when she said that, I asked her to not even think about paying more. It is my pleasure. Also, I still feel I am not doing that much, because during the week if the parents are home (most of the time they are at home) I rarely work... and I am so happy when they finally give me some job :) I feel they make me favor that I can leave in this beautiful house. They provide a car for me and also they feed me. LOL :) I don t work that much to get all these benefits. :)  I am so grateful for all these what I get from them. I appreciate everything a lot. I am so lucky. Day by day I like them more and more.... They are like my family here. But i think it is the same with them.... few days ago, Amanda told me in the morning that she had a terrible dream that I wanted to leave them because I found a better family... It was funny. :)

I love when they hang out in my room. :) I feel like they are my little brothers. :)

Szombaton reggel uzenetek sokasagara ebredtem Nok Napja alkalmabol... teljesen megfeledkeztem rola, viszont jol esett a sok koszontes.... Sok mosollyal indult a napom.... :)

Delutan kicsit osszevisszasag volt. Amanda es Warren kozott problemak voltak... egesz nap veszodtek.... rosz volt nezni.... igy en is kisse feszult voltam. Amanda szeme sokszor konnyes volt. Probaltam Rydert lefoglalni, de nem mindig sikerult. Neha igenyelte Amanda tarsasagat. A csajokkal terveztuk, hogy elmegyunk a Russian Banya ba szombat este.... de mivel a host csaladomnak nem a legjobb napja volt, igy nem voltam benne biztos, hogy tudoke menni vagy sem.... Mindketten otthon voltak, de mivel a hangulat ilyen feszult volt, nem akartam rakerdezni, hogy szukseguk vane ram vagy sem.... Ugy sajnalom Amandat...  Alexxel nagyon nehez dolga van. Mondhatnam nincs olyan nap, hogy ne legyen valami vita.... A mult heten egyik nap azt mondta neki, hogy "Bitch". Nem birtam felfogni, amikor Amanda meselte.... megvolt a nagy cirkusz, Amanda elvette a telefonjat + a teve csatlakoztatot. Ugy kivolt Alex akadval, ugy hisztizet.... eskuszom, olyan nehez mindezt vegig nezni. Szerencsejere ezen a napon Warren nem volt otthon, mert hanem lett volna hadd el hadd. Viszont par napra ra, Warren lecsekkolta a szobajat.... kegyetlen... nagyon rendetlen Alex, a szobaja nem is tudom hogy mire hasonlit. A fold tele van ruhakkal, a furdojerol meg closetjerol ne is beszeljunk.... Sokszor mondogattak neki, hogy tartson rendet de semmi nem hasznalt.... Komolyan meg a cipoje is az agyaba volt. Tiszta cipo volt, de akkor is. Nah a lenyeg, hogy a furdobe az osszes sminkje ossze vissza van, nagy rendetlenseg kozott. Warren belesoporte az egeszet egy kukas zacsiba es azt mondta neki, hogy eldobta..... persze a nap vegen vissza adta..... De addig csak uvoltozes volt.... En szemely szerint orulok neki, hogy Warren neha ilyen kemeny vele, de muszaj valakinek az lennie, mert Amanda nem tudja mar kontrolalni. Teljesen szembeszal vele, felesel sot uvolt neki. Amiota megismertem Alexnek ezt az oldalat, azota nem tudok teljesen olyan lenni vele mint az elso ket hetben.  Akkor sokat beszelgettunk, de mar egyre kevesebbet. Probalom nem ereztetni vele, es erdeklodest mutatni... de oszinten ez mar egyre nehezebben megy.... Ryder peldaul nem csinal semmit, vagy csak jatszani probal vele, es akkor Alex elkezd uvoltozni neki, hogy ""You are such a baby" and "Nobody likes you".... meglogdosodi meg ilyenek..... Komolyan en meg ilyen gonosz gyereket nem lattam. Talan durva ezt a szot hasznalni de ti el sem tudjatok kepzelni mik folynak le itt neha.... Szerintem Amanda es Warren kapcsolata is jobb lenne, ha Alex maskepp viselkedne. Biztosan megvannak az okok amiert Alex ilyen lett amilyen..... biztosan neki sem konnyu.... hisz az apja nem igazan foglalkozik vele.... itt meg Warren probalja rendre tanitani, Amandaval meg folyamatosan veszekednek... En bizom benne, hogy ahogy az ido telik es nagyobb lessz, a viselkedese is javul....

Visszaterve szombat estere  vegul 6:30 kor mondtak, hogy nyugodtan elmehetek, mert otthon maradnak. Megvolt a boldogsag, hisz mar kivoltam ehezvel a baratok tarsasagara... foleg Vikit szerettem volna mar latni, mert vele egy honapja nem talalkoztam.....egyszeruen a suli meg a munka annyira lefoglalta ot is, hogy nem tudtuk osszehozni... egy parszor probalkoztunk, de valami mindig valakinek kozbejott. 

Tetszett a hely, 3,5 orat eltoltottunk ott.... Zarina, Keith (Zarina's boyfriend, an American guy), Viki, Vovo (Viki's friend, from Ukraine) es en... Mivel penteken volt nok napja, este ott party volt rendezvel, tele volt a hely oroszokkal, legalabbis oroszul beszelokkel. :) Viki a kaja miatt volt izgatott, hogy vegre otthoni izeket kostolhat.... 

... es meg toltelekes kaposzta is volt :) Egyik kedvencem ...

Nah de hogy meseljem el az elso szaunas tapasztalatomat Amerikaban. :) Otthon jartam neha.... de itt meg nem.... A lenyeg az hogy a szaunaba vagyunk, nevetgelunk, amikor 5 szemely mesztelenul beerkezett azt helyet foglalt koztunk. 3 no + 2 ferfi. Eskuszom egy pillanatra azt hittem, hogy nem latok jol. Varatlanul ert ez az egesz minket..... Vikiek sokszor voltak mar ott, Zarina meg minden 3 hetben megy, de soha nem talalkoztak ilyen jelenettel..... Vikivel csak pillogtattunk. Zarina meg a reakcionkat leste :) Mivel ok egy oraval elottunk megerkeztek igy mar talalkoztak a meztelen csapattal..... amilyen egyenes ez a lany, meg is mondta nekik, hogy nem tetszik, hogy mesztelenul vannak..... neki ami a sziven az a szajan.... es ezert is szeretjuk :D Teljesen mas mint en, az en szemelyisegem. :) De talan pont azert szeretjuk annyira egymast :) Eskuszom en voltam zavarba, azt sem tudtam hova nezzek. Amerikaiak voltak. Egy csaladnak neztek ki, de lehet hogy nem azok voltak, igy nem allitom 100%. De ha egy csalad volt, akkor egy nagyon wierd family :) Egy idosebb pasi volt meg egy idosebb no. 2 fiatal lany, fiatalabbak mint mi, es egy kb 18-20 eves fiu. Azert en nem tudnam elkepzelni, hogy meztelenul betoppanjak egy ilyen szaunaba. Aztan kesobb ket oroszul beszelo pasi volt a szaunaba... Ok is meztelenul voltak, de legalabb amikor felalltak magukra tekertek-csavartak a torolkozot. :D Viszont, amikor mentek ki, komolyan mindkettonek lecsuszott a torolkozoje, egyik pont szembe allt velunk, masik meg a feneket villogtatta meg... lol.... Zarina egyebkent meg is mondta a tulajdonosnak, hogy ha ezt engedejezi, akkor rakjon egy jelt, irja ki valahova, hogy az emberek tudjak, hogy mire szamithatnak.... Komolyan egesz szombat este es vasarnap ezen nevettunk.... meg most is mosolygok itt egymagamban ahogy jut eszembe a jelenet.... Ezt nem vagyok kepes felfogni... Vagy velem/velunk van gond? :P

The guys were making fun how good experience I had for the first time at Russian Banya :) :D

Just for fun... :) It doesn't reveal my personality... Actually Zarina is like that...:) She talks on this way....:D

Russian Banya utan Gulnazhoz meg Fadihoz mentunk Vikivel. Naluk aludtunk. Imadok ott lenni. Teaztunk,  csokit meg sutemenyt zabaltunk, megneztunk egy filmet... aztan hajnali 3 korul lefekudtunk. Imadom az ilyen nevetgelos esteket. Fadi reggelit keszitett a lany csapatnak... Annyira jol telt ez az este meg reggel... szeretek felalmosan mar csacsogni reggel, kavezni/teazni az agyba, valami edeseget ragcsalni, meselni az elmult napok/hetek esemenyeirol a baratokkal... szeretem ezeket a hetvegi osszejoveteleket. :) Gulnaz egykor ment a Dallasi Art Muzeumba. Viki meg en elmentunk megnezni egy szindarabot a Brookhaven Collegeba. Diakok adtak elo, de nagyon profik voltak. Az az igazsag, hogy magamtol nem jutna eszembe, hogy szinhazba menjek, de ilyenkor felbukkan Viki, aki imadja a szinhazat, igy elhurcol magaval neha neha... O minden hetvegen jar, sokszor egyedul is elmegy es beul egy egy szindarabra.... Vegul meg orultem, hogy vele tartottam. Vovo is kis kesessel, de csatlakozott hozzank. A Brookhaven College fele tartval persze, hogy eszembe jutott Sasha, mivel 5 percre lakik o a sulitol. Olyan fura erzes van bennem mindig amikor azokon az utakon kell vezetnem ahol minden nap jartunk anno vele.... Nem is szivesen jarok azon a kornyeken. Igazabol en eloszor ebbe a college ba akartam menni, ott is kezdtem el a jelentkezest. Aztan amikor Sashaval vege lett a kapcsolatnak, egyik naprol a masikra sulit valtottam. Nem tartottam jo otletnek, hogy minden nap azon a kornyeken legyek... a masik meg a szakma.... igazabol a Richalnad College ba olyan majort talaltam amit szivesebben tanulnek.... az meg nincs a Brookhavenbe... All in all, I am happy I chose Richland College instead of Brookhaven. 

The title of the play was Liz Estrada

Liz Estrada is a comedy, originally performed in classical Athens, it is a comic account of one's women extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War. Liz Estrada persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forcing the men to negotiate peace. 

This play suprised both Viki and I. We did not know what we gonna see.... We enjoyed. I did not expect I gonna enjoy that much. I should go more often to theater with Viki. :) 

Pillanat kep... valamin nagyon nevettunk :)

I liked this couple from the play :)

This old lady is a student at Brookhaven College. :) She was so sweet. We were talking with her for a while after the play. By the way, you have to be a Brookhaven Student to performance in the play.

A szindarab utan egy kozeli Starbucksba meg elcsevegtunk egy ideig.... 6 ra haza akartam erni, hogy segitseg a vacsoranal meg az esti tennivalonal... 

A magyar termeken van itt a lenyeg. :) Meg Januarban hoztam magammal... :) Csak most kerult sor el elpusztitasara :)

Ukranians :)

Since next week is spring break and I don't need to study in my free time, I could go for a run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday... :) Frankly, I am a kind a lazy person..... I do not find that much pleasure in running....  but I feel so bad that i do not do any exercise here.... and just sitting in the car and driving around........ I did not need it at home because I was walking a lot every day. Also, I was a waitress, and I had to run and ''climb'' stairs all day long. :) :D I just miss walking a lot. When I got here I went almost every day for my 30 minutes run for two weeks. However, when my school started, I could not find even 30 minutes in my busy schedule for running. Next week, it is mandatory to go every single day. :) 

I am such a lucky girl, I have the most wonderful people around me.... Host family and friends..... I am so grateful I can say they are my friends. They bright my day. Love you guys! <3 <3 <3

Have a wonderful week everyone!

<3 <3 <3



2 megjegyzés:

  1. Örülök, hogy ilyen barátaid vannak és boldog vagy. :) Megérdemled!
    A kiscsajszit nem lehetne pszichológushoz küldeni? Vagy viselkedésterápiára, vagy ilyesmire? Tudom, hogy nem a mi gondunk/dolgunk, de neki és a szülőknek is könnyebb lenne. Nyilvánvaló, hogy nem csak kamaszkori lázadás van nála...
    Szép hetet Neked is!

    1. Szerintem ok ugy gondoljak hogy csak kamaszkori lazadas. Mindig area vonatkozik Amanda. Habar egyszer emlitette a pszichologust. De biztos vagyok benne hogy nem vinne el. Oleles! Xoxo
